
a new way of working together

We believe that you don’t need to spend 2 years and $2mm to create a strategy. We understand the pressure and we bring objective inclusive processes to break a strategy down into digestible goals. We’ve created a platform for accelerating outcomes for complex organizations like yours. 

strategy + continuum = stratuum

collaborative and agile strategy design

What we used to do in person around a boardroom table can also be done remotely. With the right framework, the right set of tools and the right mindset there is no reason to slow down. At stratuum we offer many ways to collaborate and drive change. The more change we deliver the bigger we build a community of change agents that can build a better planet.

the stratuum experience

books that inspire us

inspiration for the strategy continuum

collaborative and agile strategy design

what we believe

1. Strategy is different today, you don’t need an MBA to engage in strategy design

2. You must design a strategy that has impact to more than your bottom line

3. Non-value added work crushes your soul

4. People are asking the wrong question when they ask us why we’re different; things are different

  • The world we live in relies on speed and agility
  • Successful strategies are human-centric
  • The workforce is different and includes the contingent workforce
  • Everyone is planning for or attending to disruption
  • Collaboration is king
  • People are different and crave autonomy, mastery and purpose

5. Strategy should fit on a single page

a new way of working together

Leveraging a framework and toolset to get you from A to B. Showing you first hand how to strategically align innovative ideas. Learning from the testing of results in a continuum that helps move you closer to B, one step at a time.

to infinity and beyond

The name “stratuum” comes from the coupling of science and spirituality with the premise that everything is connected. With strategy being a WAY to set a path in life and learning along the way in the continuum of life. That’s it, “strategy” and “continuum” gets you stratuum. In today’s world that means leveraging the continuum of strategy to be agile across your entire organization as you re-engineer the future.

The infinity symbol in our logo has diverse colours, and is asymmetric in all it’s perfection. By definition the infinity symbol is immeasurable and the boundless representing harmony and balance to opposing entities in many cultures. A closed loop with no beginning and no end, it can provide you with unlimited energy if you find yourself in a debilitating situation. 

Our tag line of unlearn|learn represents the work we have to do as a collective to move forward. That means listening, understanding and unlearning all that we thought was true. Then move forward, and create a better tomorrow without the expectation of getting it right on the first try. If you remove the connotation of “failure” then it becomes all about learning and making it better then next time around.

Our purpose is to connect and collaborate with people who share the same passion to design a better planet and learn along the way. 

The Team